Space facts, Mars 2020 mission #INGENUITY helicopter @Starspace


Space Facts  

Mars 2020 

Perseverance : The mars rover  

->Perseverance rover had landed successfully on Mars  and had started its surface operations  its the part of NASA Mars exploration program.  
Its going to collect samples in a test tube like container and drop them on the surface of Mars. Its planned to retrieved back the samples to earth in the lateer missions.
MARS 2020 was successfully launched and landed on mars.  landing was done with the help of sky crane  maneuver  the same way its predecessor curiosity rover was landed.  
Click link to Watch the video of the rover landing as seen from various cameras onboard the mission  
Mars 2020 rover as seen by cameras 
on the Skycrane during touch down 
Credit: NASA/JPL

(Illustration): NASA’s Perseverance rover fires
 up its descent stage engines as it nears the 
Martian surface 
Credit: NASA/JPL

Mars Tech Demo : Ingenuity Helicopter 

  • The mission is carrying a Technological Demonstration ,The Mars Helicopter which is a 30-day technology demonstration, hitching a ride on the Perseverance rover.
Ingenuity helicopter folded under the rover 
This deployed at
 point known as an helipad at Martian surface 
Credit: NASA/JPL
Mars has an atmosphere of just 1 % Earths atmosphere there is so less density of air that to 
fly the helicopter the rotators of the helicopter has to move at a very fast RPM that is 2400 RPM

These are some of the facts of the mars helicopter
→ It has a weight of 1.8 kilogram
→ its blades rotate at 2400RPM (40 times per second)  which is many times faster than a passenger helicopter that fly on Earth
Usual earth helicopters fly only at 500 RPM
and the maximum height any helicopter has ever reached is only
40,000 feet 
→on Earth the Earth equivalent Mars atmosphere is at 100,000 feet which is about
     30.5 km in altitude 
→but its blades will spin at a limited speed of only mach 0.7  (about 864.36 km/hr) so as to not react the sonic speed and create sonic booms which may damage the helicopter itself
→ The blades of the helicopter have surprisingly low mass of just about 35 grams each  
   they are made up of foam core and carbon-fiber layer up   
→It takes about a day to fully charge but still majority of its energy is used up in keeping itself heated up  (its really chill on mars about −80°C to -100°C at night) 
since the helicopter had to get launched by a rocket ()and then travel through the space 
it is also considered sometimes as a space craft 

Helicopter legs deployed

 Until now the helicopter was detached from the rover and was placed in its flight zone on Mars it had even started to charge itself with the help of its solar panel and performed number of test ,along with an software update  and is expected to fly on 19th (today) 
Mars helicopter on the Martian surface
testing its rotators 
Credit: NASA/JPL
mars helicopter on the Martian surface 
Commands will be sent well in advance, with engineering data coming back from the spacecraft long after each flight takes place. In the meantime, Ingenuity will have a lot of autonomy to make its own decisions about how to fly to a waypoint and keep itself warm. (its really chill on mars about −80°C to -100°C at night)
once this flight happens this would be the first ever powered flight which would take place in another world outside of Earth on Mars


Press here this is the of blog post written by the mars helicopter project chief engineer 
BOB BALARAM (studied at IIT Madras)
and MIMI AUNG (project manager)

Thank you all for reading this blog  
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Credit: NASA/JPL


  1. Excellent work. All the best ,dear Swapnil.

  2. Superb information swapnil keep it up

  3. Very informative. Keep up the great work.

  4. Excellent work. Accurate data with informative pictures. Keep it up

  5. Very informative swapnil👍🏼

  6. WOW! Amazing work!! All the best!

  7. Brilliant work...All the best!!

  8. Excellent job dear Swapnil. Keep it up 👍

  9. Great work swapnil. Well done.


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